Sri Lanka's Knuckles Mountain Range | Everything You Should Know

Sri Lanka's Knuckles Mountain Range | Everything You Should Know

           Located in Sri Lanka's Central Province, Kandy, and Matale districts, the Knuckles Mountain Range, also called the Knuckles Forest Reserve, is a hotspot for biodiversity.

It is made up of five peaks that create the shape of a closed fist: Kirigalpotta, Gombaniya, Knuckles, Koboneelagala, and Dotulugala. There are around twenty-seven hills in the range and five notable summits that resemble knuckles. Among them are Thunthisgala or Kalupahana, Aliyawetunaela, Manigala, Yakungegala, Wamarapugala, Laggala or Lakegala and Wamarapugala.

              A protected forest spanning over 21 hectares, the island is situated at an elevation of nearly 3,000 feet above sea level. At an elevation of more than 1500 meters, the reserve was recognized as a Climatic Reserve in 1873. It was further declared as a National Man and Biosphere Reserve, Conservation Forest, and World Heritage Site in 2000.

It is currently regarded as one of South Asia's most significant conservation sites for montane tropical forest ecosystems. But the surrounding area is exceptionally beautiful because of a mist-covered mountain range, lush greenery, and waterfalls.


Activities at the Range of Knuckles Mountain

  • Trekking and hiking: The picturesque hiking and trekking paths found in the Knuckles Mountain Range are well-known. Numerous pathways that pass waterfalls, through verdant forests, and offer stunning vistas may be explored.
  • Bird watching: With such a diverse bird population, this region is a sanctuary for bird lovers. Enjoy viewing many bird species in their native habitats by packing your binoculars.
  • Nature Photography: Knuckles is a photographer's dream come true with its breathtaking scenery, varied vegetation, and distinctive rock formations. Use the lens on your camera to capture the splendor of this mountain range.
  • Camping: You may pitch a tent and spend the night in the great outdoors in Knuckles Mountain Range's permitted camping locations. It's a fantastic way to spend time outside.
  • Investigate Biodiversity: The Knuckles Mountain Range's great biodiversity has earned it recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Numerous kinds of flora and animals, including amphibians, reptiles, and orchids, may be explored.
  • Adventure Activities: If you're an adrenaline addict, you may plan white-water rafting on neighboring rivers or mountain biking on rocky paths.

The best time of year to visit the Knuckles Mountain Range

Trekking in Knuckles is best done in December through February when there is a moderate possibility of rain. Since there is less likelihood of rain, March through May is the ideal period to hike in Knuckles.

The Knuckles Mountain Range is best visited from June to September when there is less possibility of rain. Because of the high temperatures, September through November is not a popular time for trekking.

Which Knuckles Mountain Range Locations Are Nearby?

The Greatest Locations to See in the Close Knuckles Mountain Range
  • 42.2 km to Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya
  • Lake Sembuwatta - 76.9 km
  • 77.7 kmin Wasgamuwa National Park

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