How to Fix the Google AdSense low-value Content
You may believe that you have resolved all issues, such as any policy violations on your site (such as the No Content issue), after publishing more posts than the minimum number necessary to obtain Google AdSense approval for a website or blog. At this point, all that remains is to wait and hope that Google AdSense will respond favorably.
But what if I warned you not to be overjoyed when you write a lot of content while awaiting Google AdSense clearance. You should be aware that Google AdSense is hesitant to approve a website for AdSense, particularly if the website or blog is brand new and has no content.
If you are new to blogging, it is typical to hear from Google AdSense that your application has been rejected. However, if you have a website that has been well-developed for months and has a ton of information, you should be prepared for whatever rejection and response Google AdSense gives you since your website has some severe problems.
Many websites became dormant after being repeatedly denied by Google AdSense for violating numerous policies, but there is one particular offense that is regarded as being the most infamous. I genuinely don't want you to experience the same suffering that the others endure. If your website is consistently denied by Google for violating the Low Value Content guideline, it is quite painful.
You will discover specifics concerning AdSense policy breaches, Low Value Content, and how to correct these policy violations in this page. To help you understand what is wrong with such sites, I will also provide two examples from the Google AdSense community.
What is Low Value Content
Low-value content is stuff on your website or blog that isn't really high-quality. In other words, the majority of your material is seen as being of poor quality and so unfit for Google AdSense to display adverts on. According to Google AdSense, your website doesn't offer anything, or it offers very little that is useful, helpful, or distinctive.
When Google AdSense rejects your website evaluation with Low Value Content, you will receive this:
We discovered certain policy violations on XXX that are keeping your website from being approved / We discovered certain policy violations on your website, indicating that it isn't yet ready to display advertisements:
Low-Value Content
The requirements for using your website in the Google Publisher Network are not met. Take a look at the following resources for additional details:
- Minimum content requirements
- Make sure your site has unique high quality content and a good user experience
- Webmaster quality guidelines for thin content
- Webmaster quality guidelines
Have you looked at what Google AdSense said regarding the problem you were having with their rejection? The main arguments against this rejection are the thin content and the unique, high-quality material. However, content quality is the most crucial factor.
My encounters with low-quality content
With my four Google AdSense-approved blogging websites, I have never had a low value content issue-at least, I haven't had any rejections referenced low value material. Perhaps because Google AdSense views my work as being of a high caliber.
If you don't think I've already received four Google AdSense approvals for other blogs, check these blogs for yourself to see if my site has any advertisements on it.
Although I haven't encountered Low Value material in my prior rejections, you should be aware that there are a ton of situations that are comparable in the Google AdSense community. If you're not sure how to handle low value material, you can find plenty of advice and comments there.
I've chosen two websites to highlight their flaws and to show you what to avoid doing to increase the likelihood that Google AdSense will accept your site.
Since Google AdSense advertising are now visible on this blog and the others, I have resolved the No Content issue entirely. I will also explain to you why AdSense rejects websites with No Content policies.
In addition, I'll walk you through the entire process of fixing valuable inventory: My personal experience has no issues with the content policy.
Why are you being refused due to a content issue?
Having perused numerous queries within the Google AdSense community, the following are potential explanations for why a website with valuable inventory could be declined by Google AdSense: Nothing to Read.
1. Web Site for Tools
Online tool sites are a handy way to complete some basic tasks with a few keystrokes or clicks. Examples of websites with online tools are YouTube videos to MP3 or MP4, online notepads.
Yes, given the potential for large daily traffic from users worldwide to this type of online tool website, you might be approved for Google AdSense.
This is no longer the case, though, as it has suddenly been more difficult for online tool websites to receive Google AdSense clearance. AdSense with No Content issue will likely continue to reject the majority of online tool websites.
These days, the primary reason Google AdSense rejects online tool websites is that they don't have any textual material.
This is no longer the case, though, as it has suddenly been more difficult for online tool websites to receive Google AdSense clearance. AdSense with No Content issue will likely continue to reject the majority of online tool websites.
These days, the primary reason Google AdSense rejects online tool websites is that they don't have any textual material.
2. Insufficient Textual Content
AdSense has recently placed a lot of emphasis on approving websites or blogs that have dozens of original, high-quality posts and no significant navigational problems. These materials need to be lengthy—possibly more than 800 words—and textual (based on my experience).
When you have a dozen posts with extensive text, it becomes very monotonous and unfriendly to readers. Who wants to read paragraph after paragraph of text on a website that is devoid of any graphics or videos? Consequently, including some vibrant and captivating images or visual content not only improves your posts but also raises the likelihood that a website will be approved by Google AdSense.
It is fine to include visual material, but don't incorporate it heavily into an article until it has become entirely visual. Simply said, avoid writing posts that are primarily photographs with little to no text. Google AdSense does not want text like this in its advertisements.
I would recommend a 7 to 3 ratio between textual and visual information if you ask me what is the optimum balance. You can change it to 8 to 2 or 6 to 4, as long as the percentage of graphic material is no more than 60%.
3. Insufficient Content
You might be wondering how many posts you should create after reading the two criteria mentioned above in order to meet the minimum threshold for posts necessary to qualify for Google AdSense approval. You may read my post about it at the following link for more information about the specifics of the required number of posts.
See also:
Since that time, my second blog, Jaxx Invest, has just 5 indexed posts as of March 31, 2021, when I submitted my first Google AdSense review request. I received rejection after a week with the messages "Valuable Inventory: No Content" and "Valuable Inventory: Under Construction."
So 5 posts are not enough for me to get Google AdSense approval for my blogging website, even though these content are long with over 800 words per post, not to mention I add tons of images and visual aids there. I will show you the range of number of posts to fix Valuable Inventory : No Content policy issue in later part. However, if you fail to do this, your website or blog will still be rejected by Google AdSense regardless of how many content or posts you write and publish on your site, whether it is 100 posts or 1000 posts. The action you have to do is : Index these posts
4. Lack of Indexed content
Many people fails to mention about Indexing issues when it comes to Valuable Inventory : No Content, but it is actually a very important part to completely fix No content issue. This issue often happens on new websites that setup for less than few months or just freshly created. It took times for Google to recognize and decide whether to index your content or not, so be patient if you are still new in this stage. All you have to do is submit your posts' links and update your sitemap regularly through Google Search Console, in order for Google to crawl and index your content. I'm not going to talk how to setup Google Search Console in details while there are
Besides, you should ensure the status of these posts are "Submitted and Indexed". Those posts that have the status of "Server Error (5xx)" , "Discovered - Currently Not Indexed" and "Crawled - Currently Not Indexed" will not be considered by Google AdSense when they review your website, both technically and manually.
You may use Google Search Console to make sure that your material is more likely to be indexed by Google. By doing this, you can potentially shorten the time it takes for Google to approve your website for AdSense.
See also:
Synopsis - Reason for Valuable Inventory: Absence of Content
- Your website is content-free.
- You have some stuff on your website.
- You don't have any textual material on your website.
- Numerous posts and pieces on your website are not indexed.
- Your webpage is also an internet resource.
Once you have read a great deal of information about why one of Google AdSense's policy violations occurred—Valuable Inventory: No Content—all you need to do is address any remaining concerns if you have any.
I've outlined the steps you must take to correct Valuable Inventory: There are no content issues, and I hope you can have Google AdSense approved for your website as soon as feasible.